The Tempest

Tonight I get to read Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” – & follow it up with a short, 1 or 2 page essay of response to my readings. This is the first of 15 papers I get to write for my CH 202 class. That’s not complaining, mind you, just a little protesting at the meaninglessness of some of the assignments that get thrown the way of the college student. What bugs me is the insistence of “quantity over quality,” & the idea of simply regurgitating the instructors opinions. Oh well, I too can do this. It builds discipline, & even character, so I’ve heard.

Before I start my paper, I thought I’d give a little shout out to the 80’s glam-rockers that bear the same name as the Shakespeare tome…

Fun Football, Part 2, Take 2

Today was the draft. I always look forward to the draft for the unusual (dicey?)picks grasping for this year’s sleeper, followed by the rolling on the floor commentary from all involved… As usual, the draft did not disappoint – we had several guys go WAYYYYY too early, (topped by Brett Fav-ray at #6. Overall. Donald Driver, 3rd Round? Good golly, miss molly..! Blessings to you my tall guy friend!)

Especially fun was the really bad gas that accompanied the draft attendees. It emanated from the room in noxious waves, slapping passersby in the face, rivally the fish-factory of Ensenada for bad smell/inches squared… if that’s even a unit of measurement.

After the draft, which only took 2 hours 43 minutes, we all gathered round to marvel at our good fortune, & also at the usual (dicey?) picks of everyone else. A good time was had by all, & I can’t wait for Thursday (opening day of the NFL.)

Anything else stand out to you draft attendees?

To be continued…

Fun Football, Part One

The NFL season starts next week, which means that the REAL football season starts on Saturday, 9/3. By REAL, I mean Fantasy Football – Now, I usually avoid calling it “Fantasy Football” because the word “fantasy” creeps many people out, (on account of the “adult-cabaret” perversion of the word… more on that another day.) So, ‘fantasy’ football becomes known as “Fun Football,” and everyone is joyful and celebrates the beauty of rotisserie sports.

For the last 5 years or so, I’ve been the commissioner of a league of my own creation… Haro Joe Fun Football is the official name… It started with about 8 teams, & has grown to 16 teams (which is as big as it gets, because of the Rules of Fun Football. Many would say 16 is too many, but I digress… more on that another day.)

Without meaning to, & without any intentionality, the league has turned into a small group, the kind that all the people that participate really love being a part of and look forward to all year. (Small Group in the sense of connected relationships, deep talks about Jesus & real-life issues, & loud, fun, raucous obnoxiousness.) I believe that the crowning joy of the league is the draft where the 16 guys get together in 3 different cities (Reno, Fresno, & Spokane, WA?) – via the Internet & phone conference calls, & draft the full roster of our teams. I’m quivering in anticipation of the draft; I’ve got the first pick… (to be continued…)

back to school

Among the masses, I return to school. On the agenda for this fall is Info Systems 101 (via correspondence of course,) Core Humanities 202 (a cultural history of Europe – 1550-21st century), & Communications 312 (aka: non-verbal communication)

There’s something that I just love about going to school. I think it’s the ‘forced’ learning – going where I wouldn’t normally go without outside impetus.

I really like how my brain engages in response to the mind-numbing drone of professors… another response could be total shut-down & drool-age, but I like the challenge to rise up above that & think…

I hope to continue taking classes all of my days

taking it up a notch

blog ads suck.
so do trolls…

so, I’m taking it up a notch.

I figure that everyone that I want to hear from on my blog, I can have email me & join my “official blog team” – that means, if you want to be a part of my blog-party, drop me an email, & I’ll add you manually.

take that ad-man.
pound sand, troll w/o the stones to own their own comments.

and then there were none…

all the apprehension I felt at having to confront the yellow jacket/hornets/wasps/scary flying stinging insects in the back yard melted away with the help of a friend. A friend called Yellow Jacket Killer – shoots to kill flying stinging insects & their nests from more than 20 ft away.

I came. I saw. I conquered.

back in the bloggin saddle again

guess what i missed while in frankfurt for the last 2 weeks?

still, it’s nice to return from a long trip to find out that the majority of things that could have gone wrong, didn’t. God is good, & continues to show that He is able to handle my life much better than i can do it on my own.

cool thing, though, is that i now have not one, but TWO hornets nests in my backyard. can’t wait to hit them with the special spray i just bought – it is guaranteed to tick them off to no end. hopefully, there will be pictures of the encounter.


i’m out on assignment to frankfurt, germany, from 9-22 august, which means, most likely, that i will be forced to neglect the conundrum encircling scoey… fortunately, i aim to get as much fodder for future meanderings as possible


til we meet again, blessings to you, & to all a good night