My descent into increasing shoulder pain has led to a search for a book bag/computer pak that will allow for the even distribution of weight across my entire back/shoulder area. I’ve looked high & low throughout the house, following the “use what you have” principle. My search was fruitless until I talked to the Bean – w/in 3.4 seconds, I had a cool red back-pak that has thus far accomplished the task I needed it for. I will be able to navigate the next 13 school days with relative ease thanks to my own version of “backpack, backpack.”
Note: for those of you that are Dora fans, I did look for a talking backpack, & a purple one at that. No luck, though I did get a couple of interesting looks from those who heard me singing the Dora-backpack song…
Here is a picture of what my backpak looks like:My backpak is full. The picture at right doesn’t quite show the majesty & power that is displayed in the FULL backpak, but it does give you an idea about my backpak. I was hoping for something other than red, as I’m more of a blue guy, (winter, anyone?) But, red it is.
By the way, I have made an appointment to get the shoulder looked at by my orthopedist… I say “my orthopedist” because he’s cut on my 3 different times, (2 shoulders & 1 knee.) He’s always done a bang-up job w/his cutting, pasting, drilling, & fixing. The best part is that he has always explored alternative treatments to cutting (physical therapy, joint fluid injections, dietary supplements, rest, among others.) Most surgeons seem to think “cut first, ask questions later,” but not mine.
dr. brimley just informed us that he is able to identify many sedimentary rocks by smell alone. He’s bragging about it; I say bragging, because he prefaced the statement with “not many people can do what I can when it comes to soft rocks…”
Only 13 more days.