Backpack, backpack

My descent into increasing shoulder pain has led to a search for a book bag/computer pak that will allow for the even distribution of weight across my entire back/shoulder area. I’ve looked high & low throughout the house, following the “use what you have” principle. My search was fruitless until I talked to the Bean – w/in 3.4 seconds, I had a cool red back-pak that has thus far accomplished the task I needed it for. I will be able to navigate the next 13 school days with relative ease thanks to my own version of “backpack, backpack.”

Note: for those of you that are Dora fans, I did look for a talking backpack, & a purple one at that. No luck, though I did get a couple of interesting looks from those who heard me singing the Dora-backpack song…

Here is a picture of what my backpak looks like:
My backpak is full. The picture at right doesn’t quite show the majesty & power that is displayed in the FULL backpak, but it does give you an idea about my backpak. I was hoping for something other than red, as I’m more of a blue guy, (winter, anyone?) But, red it is.

By the way, I have made an appointment to get the shoulder looked at by my orthopedist… I say “my orthopedist” because he’s cut on my 3 different times, (2 shoulders & 1 knee.) He’s always done a bang-up job w/his cutting, pasting, drilling, & fixing. The best part is that he has always explored alternative treatments to cutting (physical therapy, joint fluid injections, dietary supplements, rest, among others.) Most surgeons seem to think “cut first, ask questions later,” but not mine.

dr. brimley just informed us that he is able to identify many sedimentary rocks by smell alone. He’s bragging about it; I say bragging, because he prefaced the statement with “not many people can do what I can when it comes to soft rocks…”

Only 13 more days.

Sedimentary, My Dear Watson

Today has been an exercise in the patient examination & discussion of sedimentary rocks. Cool stratification. Oh yes. My favorite kind of rock. It reminds me that I need to go to my happy place.

The word “sedimentary” reminds of the word “elementary” which has been oft-attributed to a favoriite fictional character of mine, Sherlock Holmes. I don’t recall that he said “elementary” very often, but I do know that any imitation of Basil Rathbone’s interpretation of Holmes is sure to use the phrase, “Elementary, my dear Watson,” just like any Cagney imitation will include the phrase “You dirty rat.” This is true, though Cagney never uttered that phrase in any movie he was in.

Sherlock Holmes takes me to a place where I can pass any amount of time required – I used to read the Illustrated Omnibus of Sherlock Holmes, containing about 20 of his most famous mysteries everytime I subbed at Carson High School (once a week-ish, back in the day.) In my happy place, I revisited a favorite story, about the blue carbuncle, & looked at the illustrations from the Omnibus (in my minds eye, of course.) It’s amazing the details that can be recalled simply by having nothing other than a group, gaggle, herd, of rocks staring one in the face. Sedimentary, of course. You can pray for me, if you remember. :)

Only 14 more days.

Processing appropriate responses…

As if life wasn’t hard enough already… the other day, I found that I had caused significant emotional, mental, & relational trauma to someone that I had known 20 or so years ago. This is the 2nd time in the last year that something like this has come to my attention. Ouch.

Now, I’m processing my response to this discovery…

A Friendly Note

I just wanted to give a shout out & a “ho there” just in case you have been contemplating standing in the path of a lava flow, personally observing a “lava fountain” (See pic at right) or just wanting to get your feet wet, literally, in the hot stuff. I’ve just been informed that it is NOT a good idea, under any circumstances, to stand anywhere in, around, by, or even near lava. Furthermore, in case the verbal warning was not enough, we’re watching a special documentary about why lava is dangerous to people. Really. 17 more classes.

On becoming a Rock Hound

Day 3, 2nd lab -I have nodded my head throughout class (staying awake, staying alive) in rhythm to the nonsensical patter of those around me. I have intentionally held several rocks. In my hands. I’ve looked at them through a magnifying loop in the same way that old-school jewelers would peer at precious gems to “oooh” and “aaah” over them.. I have had classmates tell me that the rock I’m holding is potassium feldspar. But of course it is. It is greek to me. Until…

Obsidian. I find obsidian. I identify, correctly, obsidian. I am becoming a rock hound. Then dr. brimley tells me that obsidian is not a rock, but rather volcanic glass. I ignore him, & embrace my excellence. 18 more classes. Help me, Jesus.

Never get it back…

I’ve just spent 1 hour in my 2 hour “Geology 101” class listening to the teacher & two students go back & forth on the question of whether time really exists, or if it is just a construct of Western society. And I’ll never get this time back. Thanks for that.

Found it.

I misplaced a relic from my trip to Spokane. Found it. Here’s me, my brother Joel who just graduated from Gonzaga Law School, & my youngest brother, Ben. In case you’re wondering, Joel is the one in the hat & snazzy purple outfit, replete with danglies, tassels, & flowing mane.


The orchestra begins to tune
As the Conductor raps his baton
A sign of departure to the moon
In a glance the night will be gone

The first rays of light begin to warm
As dawn creeps down the mountain
The sound of a song flows & forms
Running water through a fountain

Penetrating beams of brilliance
Are invading the frozen ground
The melody rolls into a dance
The whisper to a wall of sound

The Conductor guides the music
As the daylight quickly appears
A silent flood so harmonic
The finale soon will be here

On the horizon appears a glow
A bow and the symphony has ceased
With a surge of quaint bravado
The radiant star of the east

The Conductor nods His approval
His duty now has been done
With a smile of accomplishment
He welcomes the rising sun



Today in my “Prisons in Cinema” class, we’re watching the 1989 Tom Selleck movie “An Innocent Man”. A good chunk of the movie was filmed in Carson City at the medium security prison; as i remember, it was big news for CC to have A) a real Hollywood movie made in town & B) to have a real live Magnum PI visiting the micropolis.

I was working for Domino’s Pizza at the time (11/88-2/89); one of the ‘perks’ of driving for Domino’s is that you get to deliver pizza’s all the time to people that order them. (Try & contain yourself at my grasp of the obvious. Just try.) Anyway, one fine Friday evening, I was driving & delivering in the manner & style that earned me the “Domino’s Pizza Hustler of the Month” award for 2/89, when the manager, Tom, & owner, Jerry, pulled me aside to let me in on a special privilege that I had been accorded. Evidently, this fine Friday evening was the date that the cast party for “An Innocent Man” was happening at the Happiest Place In The World -HPITW (anyone, anyone?) & for some reason, this party needed 25 assorted pizza pies from Domino’s. And I was the chosen one; rather, the one chosen to deliver these pizzas to Tom Selleck. Or so I was told.

I loaded up my VW Rabbit with the pizzas, & was given a phone number to call to alert Tom Selleck that his pizzas were ready. I practiced my TC & my Higgin’s voices while I drove to the HPITW so that I could have a witty interchange with Magnum. The problem was that there was no parking at the HPITW – so my attempt to park was stymied, probably because Magnum was in town. Still, I was on a mission from Tom & Jerry to get Tom Selleck his pizzas, so I parked the car in the walkway of the HPITW, & ran to a pay phone (pre-cell phones) to call Tom Selleck to set up where he wanted to rendesvous to pick up the pizzas. Parking on the sidewalk seemed like a good idea at the time. The problem was that the HPITW security guards didn’t approve of my park job, & told me so. I couldn’t be bothered with these trifles – I was on my way to deliver pizzas. To Tom Selleck.

The guy who answered the phone at the number at the HPITW was not Tom Selleck. He sounded annoyed & told me in no uncertain terms that under no circumstances was I to move from where I was in the entry to the HPITW. He would be down in a couple of minutes to pick up the pizzas. No mention was made of Tom Selleck. I asked if he’d be coming too, & didn’t get a response. That I can repeat, that is.

About 5 minutes later, 3 guys that looked like escaped roadies from the GnR tour, or carnies that had lost their way came towards me. How surprised was I to find that they came to me & asked where the pizzas were. No Tom Selleck.

After hooking up the guys with about 8 pizzas each (one lucky guy got to carry 9) I asked why Tom Selleck didn’t come down for the pizzas himself… Really, I did. No answer, just a little roadie giggle or two. Then, I checked to see if they needed me to follow them up or help them to the cast party. They didn’t. They just took the pizzas & left. No Tom Selleck. Bummer.. The security guard was in a frenzy at that point because of where I’d left the Rabbit. He had called a tow-truck – good news for me, it takes tow-trucks in the CC about 3 hours from the time they’re called to show up. I climbed back into the Bunny & it was back to Domino’s for me.

That’s what I’m thinking of while watching “An Innocent Man.” That, & I’m practicing my TC voice. And Higgins too.