Somebody’s downstream…

My behavior, thoughts, actions, choices have consequences: not just for me, but downstream – the people who’s lives I directly impact & influence, as well as those that I may not know, but may be equally affected.

My old district Supe, Robby told me a story before I came to Reno to pastor:

The “Keeper of the Spring,” was a quiet forest dweller who lived high above an Austrian village along the eastern slope of the Alps.The old gentleman had been hired many years earlier by a young town councilman to clear away the debris from the pools of water up in the mountain crevices that fed the lovely spring flowing through their town. With faithful, silent regularity, he patrolled the hills, removed the leaves and branches, and wiped away the silt that would otherwise have choked and contaminated the fresh flow of water. The village soon became a popular attraction for vacationers. Graceful swans floated along the crystal clear spring, the mill wheels of various businesses located near the water turned day and night, farmlands were naturally irrigated, and the view from restaurants was picturesque beyond description.

Years passed. One evening the town council met for its semi-annual meeting. As they reviewed the budget, one man’s eye caught the salary figure being paid to the obscure keeper of the spring. Said the keeper of the purse, “Who is the old man? Why do we keep him on year after year? No one ever sees him. For all we know, the strange ranger of the hills is doing us no good. He isn’t necessary any longer.” By an unanimous vote, they dispensed with the old man’s services.

For several weeks, nothing changed. By early autumn, the trees began to shed their leaves. Small branches snapped of and fell into the pools, hindering the rushing flow of sparkling water. One afternoon someone noticed a slight yellowish-brown tint in the spring. A few days later, the water was much darker. Within another week, a slimy film covered sections of the water along the banks, and a foul odor was soon detected. The mill wheels moved more slowly, some finally ground to a halt. Swans left, as did the tourists. Clammy fingers of disease and sickness reached deeply into the village. Quickly, the embarrassed council called a special meeting. Realizing their gross error in judgment, they rehired the old keeper of the spring, and within a few weeks, the veritable river of life began to clear up. The wheels started to turn, and new life returned to the hamlet in the Alps.

Last November, the news of Pastor Ted Haggard’s immorality & drug use became public – it was devastating to him, his wife, his family, & to the church he led. This artcle about LAYOFFS details more of the long term consequences that are happening as a result of his choices.

No finger pointing. No accusations. My heart breaks.


Sex God on

I’m tackling the stack of books behind my desk – & have finished Rob Bell’s latest – here’s an excerpt that really nailed it for me:

When it’s written that Adam & Eve were one flesh, their “echad flesh” is acutally a celebration of a million other things. Things that ough to be celebrated: God. Life. Creativity. Potential. Shared partnership in caring for the world. Strength for weakness, weakness for strength. A new family. The ongoing creation of the world.

And finally after all of this leaving & cleaving & bones, & flesh, the passage ends with the line “the man & this wife were both naked, & they felt no shame…”

No shame or embarrassment. No apologizing for who they are. No covering up or pretending. No masks or secrets. Total acceptance of each other. That’s what we want, isn’t it? We want someone to see us exactly as we are & still love us.

It’s terrifying to let people see who we really are. To see the darkness in our hearts, our bad habits, all of the things we’ve done in the past that we regret. Our biases, our shortcomings, the things we aren’t good at.

Being naked is terrifying.

What would it be like to be with someone who loves you exactly as you are? If you see me for who I really am, the me that no one else has ever seen, the me that I wouldn’t dare to show anybody else on the planet, the parts of me I’m not sure I want anybody ever to see. If I give you that kind of glimpse into the seat of my being, into my soul, will you still love me like you do now?

It’s our question for each other & it’s our question for God. Unconditional, absolute acceptance. From a lover, from God – it’s what we crave.

The Jesus Family Tomb & other musings…

The ‘idea’ that has been posited by James Cameron et al isn’t a new one IDEA – many have attempted to discredit Christ & His followers using poorly & selectively researchd “Science, Archaeology, & the thoughts Old Dead Guys.” Its the case of starting with an agenda & creating a case to try & validate it.

The Apostle Paul addressed those that were saying that there was no resurrection of the dead – they had largely based these thoughts on a belief that the physical body was inherently sinful & that only the spirit was pure – Paul points out that the resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith – without which we “are the most miserable people in the world.” Loons. Delusional. To be pitied.

But that’s not the case.

1Corinthians 15:14-23
14And if Christ was not raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your trust in God is useless. 15And we apostles would all be lying about God, for we have said that God raised Christ from the grave, but that can’t be true if there is no resurrection of the dead. 16If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised. 17And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless, and you are still under condemnation for your sins. 18In that case, all who have died believing in Christ have perished! 19And if we have hope in Christ only for this life, we are the most miserable people in the world. 20But the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead. He has become the first of a great harvest of those who will be raised to life again.

21So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, Adam, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man, Christ. 22Everyone dies because all of us are related to Adam, the first man. But all who are related to Christ, the other man, will be given new life. 23But there is an order to this resurrection: Christ was raised first; then when Christ comes back, all his people will be raised..

On that same note – take a look at the following excerpt from an article by philosopher, academic, & deep thinker Ravi Zacharias – it addresses the reality of Christ’s resurrection using the evidence of the lives of the ones who witnessed it:

One thing is historically incontestable: the disciples went to their deaths proclaiming the resurrected Christ. And it is here that it seems we are left with common sense questions. For if the disciples agreed to propagate a story, having even the slightest bit of intelligence, wouldn’t they have thought to conceive something less remarkable–perhaps a story that would accommodate the arguments they would undoubtedly face? Why wouldn’t they have come up with something unfalsifiable? If they would have only claimed that Jesus had spiritually risen again, how would the antagonists have proven them false? And in so doing, they would not have to worry about hiding the body or about what would happen to them if the body was ever discovered. Furthermore, if the disciples agreed to propagate a story, when standing up for these falsified claims became a matter of life and death wouldn’t at least a few of them have buckled?

But the disciples did not say that Jesus spiritually rose from the dead, and nor did they back down when the time came to stake their lives on it. They took the dangerous road–indeed, the inconceivable road–and they not only went to great lengths to proclaim that Jesus bodily rose from the dead, but they went to their deaths proclaiming it was true. Now why would they risk everything proclaiming the actual, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead if they knew it was a lie?

You can read the entire article at this link:



I’ve got a stack of books awaiting my attention – last count I had 12 ‘must-reads’ on the shelf behind my desk… this is officially the ‘waiting room’ for my books/next reads.

I’m 2/3 of the way through THEY LIKE JESUS by Dan Kimball – I believe that this book should be required reading for any/all people that are a) Christ-followers & b) have a desire to live in such a way as to reflect Christ to the people that they come in contact with.

Actualy, when they make me King, Emperor, Dominar, or Guy in Charge of Assigning Reading, I would give this book to every pastor (vocational or otherwise) in any & every Christian church – with a mandatory “Response Paper” to be written afterwards. The paper should be 3-5 pages, & would:

-Address Kimball’s thesis: People like Jesus, but they don’t like the church – Why does Kimball say this? What are your observations of pre-Christians? What are your responses to these observations (his & yours)?

-Describe your “philosophy of ministry” – briefly explain the “WHY’s” (reasoning, values, beliefs) behind the “WHAT’s” (actions, behaviors, personal schedules, programs) of the ministry you are involved in.

-What does it mean to be missional? Describe the WHY’s & the WHAT’s of you being missional.

Then, we’d all get together in small groups (5-8 people) & discuss what we wrote & why… with the intent being on taking action towards leading a community in living out Jesus.

For inquiring minds:
Dan Kimball Blog

Vintage Faith Church

A Quirk

One of my favorite smells in the whole world is bleach. No particular brand, though is there any brand but Clorox? (CG- I know there is, but I needed to ask the question so you would post a URL to a pic of another brand of bleach…)

I associate it with clean. With fresh. With contentment. The other day, I got some coffee (espresso actually) on the sleeve of my white Gonzaga U. sweatshirt – the one I bought when my brother got accepted to Gonzaga’s law school, the one I bought to feel closer to him, though he was moving 13 hours away by auto.. the XXL sized shirt, the one that I put on when I get home, the one that makes me feel comfortable, in an oversized hoodie type of a way. The brown spot on the cuff of the sleeve of my right arm of the sweatshirt bothered me… maybe because I could see it everytime I looked down. Reminded me that I can see my hands all the time. How do you get a brown espresso stain out of a white hoodie? With a Clorox (R) bleach pen – just write on the affected part, wash, & presto! It’s all good & clean.

It took 42 minutes for my washer to wash the hoodie. Thought that was funny, because the timer at the beginning said 40 minutes. It’s off by 2 minutes. Should that get looked at by a guy? Should that bother me? The dryer took about 18 minutes to dry the hoodie – it might have taken less time if I hadn’t kept opening the door of the dryer to check on the dryness of my favorite sweatshirt.

When it was dry, (really dry, not just mostly dry) I took it out & examined the cuff of the sleeve to see if the espresso stain had come out. It had. Boy howdy. In its place was a white, really white spot – I deduced that the bleach pen had taken the brown stain of the espresso drip & had removed it – in the process, whitening the spot where the pen touched. To Super White. Uber white.

I had thought my Gonzaga U. hoodie was white – now I see that it is truly “off-white” in color – & that the only really white spot is on the cuff of the right sleeve in the shape of a starburst

I see it all the time. And I like the white. Now, to get the rest of the hoodie white.

Don’t know why, but when you add it all up, it comes out as me.


I chose the picture of Adam Sandler from The Wedding Singer because I believe that it epitomizes the decade of the 80s, stereotypically, better than any one image i could post. Perhaps you could find another one to rival it? If so, post the URL in a comment & we’ll break-dance fight to see whose picture wins.

A few weeks ago, I received a notice that the 20th High School Reunion for the McQueen High School class of 1987 was officially on… for the weekend of August 10-12. Which just happened to fall on the weekend after when the Bean & I are flying to Frankfurt with a team to visit our sister church there. Bummer.

Some may wonder, “Why would you want to go to a reunion?” My oldest son is in that boat, esp. because 20 years is SUCH A LONG TIME.

Part of the reason I really didn’t want to miss this one is that I was in Romania 10 years ago for the 1st reunion – I missed an opportunity to reconnect with some people that I wish I hadn’t lost contact with. The 20 year provides just such an opportunity…

(Disclaimer: I have no Bryan Adams, “Summer of ’69” “those were the best days of my life” delusions. High School was painful in some ways, but good in other ways – people ways. Friend ways. And I believe that God had me in that spot for a purpose & that 20 years later, part of the purpose may be discovered. Or, I may just get a chance to hang out with some old friends, & bring my wife into a part of my life that she has so far never been a part of. Moving to Carson City in 1987/88 meant losing touch with anyone who was still around in Reno – so by the time I was dating Joni, the people that had been in my life as friends were no longer there… remember, this was before wide-spread email, Al Gore’s inventing the internet, & ‘everybodies got cell-phones’, which made it easy or easier to keep in touch & have a plethora of means to do so.

I have literally attempted to find, just short of stalking, friends by calling their old home phone #, the only # that I had for them, but to no avail… Bean never got to meet any of my friends or the people I hung out with – maybe 2 of them, but not to actually see & talk to them. But I digress…)

So, I wasn’t going to be able to go to the reunion, though the Bean & I considered taking a later flight to Frankfurt so that I could go to the reunion. I prayed that God would work it out – believing that the desire in my heart to go to this reunion, for some reason, was a big one, & may have come from Him. If so, God, would you please make a way for it to happen?

Today, I got a note from the reunion coordinator – due to HAN (Hot August Nights!) the reunion had to be moved to the weekend of 8/3-5… dates that work just fine for me, thank you very much.

Thank you.

God’s Gonna Cut You Down…

Feeling a bit introspective – saw this & it got me thinking… what’s it mean “God’s gonna cut you down?” This thought was magnified as I watched the video (embedded, courtesy of YouTube) & saw many, many famous (& famously irreverent &/or non-religious) types mouthing the lyrics…

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time, run on for a long time
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down

Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut ’em down
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut ’em down

Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news
My head’s been wet with the midnight dew
I’ve been down on bended knee talkin’ to the man from Galilee
He spoke to me in the voice so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel’s feet
He called my name and my heart stood still
When he said, “John go do My will!”

Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut ’em down
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut ’em down

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time, run on for a long time
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down

Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin’ in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time, run on for a long time
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down

Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut you down
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut you down
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut you down

Putting it into practice personally…

Today, it hit me. I normally take Fridays off – it hit me that for the next couple of weeks, my Fridays (& all/most of Saturdays) will be occupied with work…

The processing begins… what about my rest day? what about the Sabbath? What do I do now that I have realized that I’ve scheduled away my day off? I have a problem taking a mulligan on this one – part of it is because I believe that the Sabbath is not just a good idea or a suggestion, but an obedience to a way of life that God has laid out for us. Not just going back to the September-December series on a Revolution of the Soul but because there is a deeper issue here: how will I put into practice this principle of obedience? It’s not negotiable, & yet I find myself struggling internally to find a justification for “just this once.” (Though it’s twice actually.) Don’t know that there is a simple, easy, quick answer to this one.

Why Girls are different than Boys #1

Taking a page from Shontell’s “Why I Like Mike” blog series, I’ll be posting from time to time on the joys of having a daughter. For me, growing up as 1 of 4 boys, there was little to no experience or understanding of the world of the Girl. Being married has provided a little insight, but hey, grown up girls are different than little ones. Mostly.

I understand boys – so when we had 2, I didn’t have any issues knowing how to deal with & parent them… part of me has taken great joy in mystifying & amazing the Bean with how I can predict how the boys (esp. Joey) will act – I’m not a mind reader, its just that boys aren’t too complex, if you get my drift.

Girls are different. They look in the mirror all the time. They watch their expressions, when they cry, laugh, talk, you name it. I continually find myself amazed at the attitude, observational skills, personality, interests, & sheer emotional spectrum that my Weezer regularly functions in.

Which leads me to “Why Girls are Different than Boys #1” – the Weez is looking in the full-length mirror WHILE doing her homework. All of the sudden, she jumps off her chair & hikes her pants up. Way up. To the skies. She looked like Jimmy Cagney’s character in “Angels with Dirty Faces” when he wore his pants up to the middle of his chest. (All the cool guys did this, I’m told, even Cary Grant, which is the topic of another blog.)

I have to ask: “What are you doing?”

Her reply: “I’m trying to look like Mrs. Smith.”

(Mrs. Smith is a teacher at the Weez’s school.)