Busy business

I’ve been reading a great book by Eugene Peterson & Marva Dawn called, “The Unnecessary Pastor” – good stuff, talking about the very necessary, even pivotal role of a pastor within society. Here’s a quote from it that I’ve been pondering:

In the context of John 3:16 & 17…

How does it happen, that being made a pastor so often has the effect of pulling us out of this immense world, (that “God so loved…”) and putting us to work in a religious institution that carries on its business pretty much on its own terms and with its own agenda? From within the ordaining institution, it is easy to look out on the world that God loves and redesignate it as enemy, as competitor, as distraction.

We’re put to work on committees and projects that leave us with neither time nor energy for the world and diminishing interest in it.

My ponderings & interest in this emerge in a “trickle down” theory:

The pastoral attitude then trickles down into the priorities of the church that the pastor leads – a result, among others is a group of people that are busy with a business that has little to do with the very world that God so loves…


Tiger Woods, world-renowned professional golfer, has come under fire for using “incredibly inflammatory, inappropriate, & terribly derogatory language” after a recent round of golf. Quite a bit of the fire has come from the U.K.

What did he say?

In referring to his poor performance in a round of golf, he said that he had “putted like a spaz.” The offensive word, in case you’re wondering, is “spaz.”

I was surprised by this, especially with all the words in common use in the UK that, if used here, would cause quite a stir. For example, while in Birmingham, England, over dinner in a public house, I was asked by someone if it was okay for them to “burn a fag or two?” I stared at them w/my best dumb look…

Translation: They wanted to smoke a cigarette or two. Try to use that one tomorrow & see if it is bothersome to anyone.

So, my brain wanders…Is this offensive to you? If so, why? If not, why not?

COM 213 – Informative Speeches, Week 3…

And so it continues:

Todays topics:
Snowboarding is a lifestyle
Joseph Mengele: Nazi Angel of Death
Hearing & Cochlear Implants
SUV’s & Deadly Accidents

• When it snows, it means that we can go snowboarding.
• Snow is an important requirement for snowboarding
• Stopping is important to learn how to do. I can’t tell you how to do that. You just have to do it.
• Snow in the desert is a really cool looking thing.
• The medical chief was in charge of everything that was medical or hospital.
• his crazy experiments proved nothing but that he was insane
• Nazi’s went to South America because it was a lot like Bavarian World, except for the jungles.
• He died of a stroke, so he never got executed or hanged or killed or nothing.
• Speech therapy helps you learn to speech. :)
• SUV’s cause deaths & casualities
• The image of the SUV is mostly misconceptions.
• America’s car market is increasing for the US.

More Joy From COM 213

There were more speeches today – here are a few of the highlights…
• I used to live by some of my neighbors that lived next to me
• there is a lot of history in the past
• Hawaii was so popular that it got more populated.
• When you’re underwater, holding your breath is key (from a speech on surfing)
• Nature is a big environment
• 1904 came shortly after the year 1877

Field trips, anyone?

COM 213… We’ve got speeches again!

Today starts the first day out of four of “Informative Speeches.” I forgot that these can be so entertaining, partially because I get a chance to hear what people in the class think is important to inform the rest of the class about. Some topics from today:

Angus Beef is the Best Beef
Soda is bad for you.
Influential Women of the Bible
Men & Women Communicate Differently: Dating & how Girls can tell what guys are thinking and if they’re into them or not. (Really.)

There have been a few really memorable one liners in the speeches today – here are four of my favorites:

• She had to start her life out at a really young age…
• Girl, he’s just not into you. And usually guys might mean it.
• The angus beef cattle breed is most important and improved breed of all the cows that are out there.
• Yellow #5 is a food coloring that is named for the color yellow.

Following through

Reading in Joshua 11 this a.m. – thought this was interesting…

vv.21,22 At that time, Joshua came & wiped out the Anakim from the hill country: from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, & from all the hill country of Judah, and from all the hill country of Israel; Joshua utterly destroyed them with their towns. None of the Anakim was left in the land of the Israelites; some remained only in Gaza, in Gath, & in Ashdod.

Going on from there, into Chapter 13, specific, God directed instructions are given: the Israelites need to take possession of the Promised Land &, by war, remove the inhabitants of the land, esp. from those cities listed above.

What gets me is that they never do – we know that because in 1Samuel we encounter Goliath. A famous giant. From Gath. One of the towns that the Israelites were supposed to decimate, but never did.

Leaving Gath (& Goliath’s ancestors) untouched, & not following through in this area cost the Israelites greatly later on – persecution, oppression, bondage, slavery, & death. The very thing that they didn’t follow through on ended up costing them later on.

Making Disciples – Foursquare Greece

I found the following & wanted to share it with you here. Thought it was interesting, especially with the main tasks that Christ-followers are to be about are loving God & people, & teaching people to be Christ-followers (being a discipler…)

the key tools of a discipler (from Titus 2-3) from Pastor George from Foursquare Greece:

-Speak often, saying the same thing many, many times.

-Leave your mark on people; put a stamp on them, so they are a prototype of a believer.

-Know about and teach with grace because only grace can save and bring life to people.

-Call people near to you, letting them observe how you live your life.

-Explain the truth in ways that persuade, rather than scold people.

-Know what you believe, and reprove people with the conviction of deep-seated beliefs.

-Remind people of what you’ve taught them, over and over.

-Give “good words” to people, complimenting them often with sincerity.

-Discipling is much more than just teaching people a Bible lesson.

You can read the travel journal with this & other insights in it at: DB Travel Journal

Musings for the day…

I’m meditating on this from 1Peter 3:8-12 – I need God to direct my actions & my words. Tomorrow, I’m meeting with some leaders from the UNR campus ministries re: how to/when to/whether to address the next go-round of chaos brought to UNR via the screamers bringing the “good news” that God Hates! And that awaiting them is condemnation & burn-ination…

Finally, all of you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts & humble minds. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God wants you to do, and He will bless you for it. For the Scriptures say:

If you want a happy life and good days,
keep your tongue from speaking evil
and keep your lips from telling lies.
Turn away from evil and do good.
Work hard at living in peace with others.
The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right,
and His ears are open to their prayers.
But the Lord turns His face against those who do evil.