Making Disciples – Foursquare Greece

I found the following & wanted to share it with you here. Thought it was interesting, especially with the main tasks that Christ-followers are to be about are loving God & people, & teaching people to be Christ-followers (being a discipler…)

the key tools of a discipler (from Titus 2-3) from Pastor George from Foursquare Greece:

-Speak often, saying the same thing many, many times.

-Leave your mark on people; put a stamp on them, so they are a prototype of a believer.

-Know about and teach with grace because only grace can save and bring life to people.

-Call people near to you, letting them observe how you live your life.

-Explain the truth in ways that persuade, rather than scold people.

-Know what you believe, and reprove people with the conviction of deep-seated beliefs.

-Remind people of what you’ve taught them, over and over.

-Give “good words” to people, complimenting them often with sincerity.

-Discipling is much more than just teaching people a Bible lesson.

You can read the travel journal with this & other insights in it at: DB Travel Journal

2 thoughts on “Making Disciples – Foursquare Greece

  1. isnt everyone from greece named george. we know two people who actually live in greece. they are not part of the same circle. both…named george. very interesting

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