A Revolution of the Soul, end of 2007 reprise…

I’m learning to “BE.” As in “BE-ing” vs. “DO-ing,” doing meaning taking my sense of worth & value from accomplishments, a busy schedule, moving at a frenetic, production-mode pace.

I haven’t gotten it down, & don’t know that I’ll ever hit the mark 100%, all the time. But I’m finding it easier & more natural to “BE,” & I think it is my preferable state.

Over the last 18 months, I’ve been logging my journey (& our church family’s as well) into BE-ing through notes, a journal, a blog or 3, & a growing collection (library?) of audio/mp3/podcast files. I’m in the process (at month 4 as of today) of turning my/our journey, my notes, journal/blogs etc into a somewhat cohesive story. I’ve not done something of this scope before, though my HISTORY 300 (Historical Methods, Research, & Writing,) is coming in Oh So Handy.

Hooray. I’ll let you know how it goes.

2 thoughts on “A Revolution of the Soul, end of 2007 reprise…

  1. I have been trying really, really hard to follow your lead on this… some days it seems easy to BE, other days, like recently, not so easy! But I have definitely learned a lot in the process…

  2. I’m the same way, but I have found that I’ve gotten better at Be-ing since I stopped beating myself about things as much. Guilt always keeps me from feeling pretty much anything else or experiencing things in a positive way, and then it causes me to keep a tight control on my life so I don’t do something else to make myself feel guilty.

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