Independence Day

my family has a tradition for the 4th – we watch “Independence Day” together – big fun around a familiar movie – the wife always cries when the president’s wife dies, even though we’ve seen the movie about 20 times. (if you did the math, you know that this means we’ve watched it more than once a year. but i digress.) we love will smith in this flick!

very cool to be in a completely different time of life, yet to revisit an old friend (albeit a movie) & as a family no less. the kids look forward to it almost more than i do, though not w/o popcorn… i wonder how much the tradition helps to define & give meaning to our family, as well to provide a framework for some great memories for all of us – also makes me wonder if these fun traditions will be a source of antagonism for future family once the kids get married & procreate… it amuses me.

i’m thankful for the respite that the day off provides – rest, family, popcorn & a movie – simple things

One thought on “Independence Day

  1. Wow, you’ve been busy already. First off, I would like to thank you for opeining up a blog without all the pressure of having to post something that sounds like it’s been proofread. Of course mine have, but I digress.

    I’m looking forward to checking out Shontelle’s blog more than anything. I guess I’ll have something to do this summer while I nurse the yard back to health and play chauffeur and ATM for my eldest.

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