The sounds of silence…

Sunday, I overdid it.

The week prior, I had been battling with the run-down, blah feeling of one battling a cold; I battled – took the Vitamins like Hulk Hogan always tells us Hulkamaniacs to take, tried to get enough sleep, eat well, & take care of me… all to give the immune system a fighting chance. And then came Sunday.

Led worship, did the teaching for Learning Community, regular teaching, & then the DNA class after church. Tried to rest in the afternoon, but it didn’t really work out. College Bible Study ended up going a bit long. And it was on.

Monday & Tuesday, I dragged – my voice, which had taken a beating from the cold weather & cold bug, in addition to massive amounts of use, began to disappear in “Peter Brady” episodes (obscure pop-culture reference to when the Peter character went through his voice changing – alternating sounding like a baritone & Mickey Mouse on helium…) Blah, blah.

Stayed home Wednesday to try to rest the bug away – slept a good chunk of the day… but what went away was my voice.

I have a whisper. Yesterday, went to work & entertained theMoses & theBrother with my inability to raise my voice to be heard. At least they’re enjoying it.

Can’t hold a decent conversation. Can’t talk on the phone. So I’m spending most of my time in silence…

I’m sucking down Earl Grey Tea, hot because it feels nice on my froat… Hmmm.

9 thoughts on “The sounds of silence…

  1. I am so sorry… I totally feel your pain. I have had a problem with laryngitis 3 times in the last 4 months. You don’t really realize how vital something like your voice is until you try functioning without it for a few days.

  2. One of the best reasons not to go to my work is if you loose your voice since it is entirely talking on the phone. I haven’t had the pleasure of having to give that reason though

  3. Bummer about being sick. Hope you feel better soon!

    FYI: Sunday Shane (who is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service) said it looks pretty promising for a huge storm Sunday morning.

  4. I just want you to know that ever since I read your title I can’t get Simon and Garfunkle out of my head . . . thanks . . .

  5. Ick. I am going through the same stages. I keep fake resting so I can hurry and get better, only that doesn’t work. I end up over doing it, then I am on my butt for two days. I need a day off.

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