
I’m whelmed. School is screaming for attention in the form of a paper. A real paper that goes to 10. Or 11 pages that is. On the Enlightenment transformation of society from Medieval to Modern. Writing will I be, tomorrow night. And Friday. A couple of good days of writing & I can stop being whelmed & be simply at the normally frenetic level of activity for the clan I lead.

Once again, I must hold in front of me-self the goal, the carrot if you will – why I’m doing this in the first place. I want to be able to teach in an accredited post-secondary institute that we run through our church. Vision keeps me plugging away.

3 thoughts on “Whelmed…

  1. I don’t know why, but when I think of the age of Enlightenment, I’m always reminded of that famous Monty Python line about Rene Descartes.

    “I drink therefore I am.”

    Here’s looking at you kid…

  2. When I’m overwhelmed I think of Rob Schneider’s Cajun character in Waterboy yelling, “you can do it!”

    It doesn’t help any, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

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