Last night, Pasty & I-Doey made their way to Coconut Bowl for some bowl-age…
They came out 2 1/2 short hours later to find that some miscreant had taken the liberty of bashing the back window of the Infamous Ex…
Post-church, I contacted the Coconut Bowl & reported the destruction (as the PastyOne had been too incensed to do it.) Then, I filed a PO-leece report with Sparks’ finest…
Called & left a message with my car insurance dealer (no, I don’t have Geico. Or Progressive. My insurance agent takes the weekends…)
Now, all we have to do is… wait.
It’s interesting – the emotions that have been stirred up in my kids. Anger –> Rage. Disbelief. Disappointment. Disgust. Frustration. Sadness. And back again.
They want A Plan of Action. A Way for us to Stick It to the person (persons? perps?) that Perpetrated the vandalismo. Like somehow, Dad will know what to do, & how to locate the Violator(s). More interesting to me is the boiling over desire for Revenge. And you thought the Empire Struck Back! Just wait til lil Pasty gets going.
Talked about letting God be our defender & avenger. Not giving away peace. Being thankful it was Just a Window. Believing it.
I hear the emotions about disappointment and revenge. Hard to work through but good to. On a funny noted, we lost a back window as well but it was because our luggage was piled to high in the backseat…oops. Even in the dead of winter we shunned the plastic tape over the window. Hope the insurance will cover it.
that really sucks. seriously.
I feel a little defensive for you guys. I think growing up in a large family made me hyper protective about things. Sorry for your luck. I will pray for perspective and peace, for you guys too :).
That really sucks… but, I am happy to hear that it didn’t happen in front of your house. Hope they didn’t take anything.
That totally sucks… The Coconut Bowl just doesn’t seem safe anymore…
On the positive side, Sparks’ finest are much more vigilant than Reno’s finest… Then again, that’s not saying much. :)