…this work week is only 3 days long, due to the impending Thanksgiving holiday. The bad news is… there’s still just as much to be done as is in a normal work week, but with 2 days less in which to accomplish it.
So the only sane & right thing to do is… to downsize the work load for the week. In a marked departure from what I would have done just a few short years ago, I will intentionally do less, & aim to ‘walk life’ at a leisurely pace.
Rather than try to pull off 3 marathon days in which everything I can think of doing is crammed into a 30 hour span, I will do what I can… prioritize & finish the “Have to’s;” delegate what can be delegated. Put off til next week the stuff that can wait.
Then, I can enjoy the time off, be thankful for what God has provided for me, & truly BE present, emotionally, physically, & mentally for the food, football, family, & friends.
And that is something that I can be truly thankful for.
Hope your family enjoys the ribs and Salmon. We are going with a good old turkey BUT brined the day before :) Happy Thanksgiving
I feel so aweful, I am almost tempted to take up drinking. I did get a special Thanksgiving cold to get things going right though. THe good news is that I am only playing the piano for the Brewers Got Talent show- not singing.
I sure do wish that I had the power and fame that you have to allow me to delegate all I have to do this week… but I don’t:(